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Workforce development


Contract shop member

Mike Lum

Contract shop member and facility custodian

Bill Carroll

Contract shop member and warehouse member

Ken Costner

Since 1956 Goodwill Industries of St. Clair County, Inc. (“GWISCC”) has been providing programs and services, at no cost, that teach marketable job skills to individuals who are 16 or older with disabilities, special needs, or other barriers to employment.
GWISCC offers a broad range of Workforce Development Programs and services to fulfill a diverse set of community needs. Services vary depending on individual’s wants, needs, and situation. Some find their way to GWISCC because of limited skills or work history.  Some have physical or developmental disabilities.  Others are referred through area schools, community agencies, the judicial system, Michigan Rehabilitation Services, Michigan Works, Community Mental Health, and others.
At GWISCC we realize everyone’s story is slightly different. Our Workforce Development Team is focused on helping people meet their goals by developing customized plans for success. Through support and advocacy we help people that want to help themselves.
GWISCC helps people earn a paycheck while preparing for permanent employment by placing them in temporary jobs or jobs at GWISCC.  GWISCC also works in collaboration with other businesses and community organizations to create opportunities and assistance for people who need help finding employment.




Employment Planning Programs    
Employee Development

This Program is organized and time limited in order to help the participant understand the meaning, value, and demands of the workplace as well as having the opportunity to apply what they have learned.  Designed to improve participant’s physical capabilities, interpersonal skills, and work habits this Program is of exceptional value to a participant.
• Physical capabilities - include an individual’s functional capacities which may include such abilities as sitting, standing, walking, lifting, bending, grasping.
• Interpersonal skills – are the ability to operate within business organizations through social communication and interactions.
• Work habits - There are work habits all employers hope new employees have.
1. Punctuality - being on time every day
2. Attendance - being at work unless you are truly ill or there is an emergency
3. Productivity - working to assure both quality and quantity measures are met
4. Initiative - starting work without being told to do so
5. Cooperation - getting along with people ... bosses, coworkers, customers
6. Attention to Detail(s) - following rules or directions
7. Accuracy - not making mistakes
8. Adaptability - can do more than one job task
9. Flexibility – an openness to different types of new learning experiences.
10. Diligence - improving job performance routinely
11. Appearance - always presents in appropriate clothing and accessories
12. Open-mindedness - accepts constructive criticism
13. Honesty and Trustworthiness - doesn't cheat, steal, or lie
Community Based

This Service provides individualized training in a community setting. Trainees work closely with a Job Coach to acquire the skills to prepare them for competitive employment.

• On-site analysis
• Guidance and job specific skills
• Identification and development of work opportunities
• Assessment of skills
• Identification of job accommodations
• Understanding of work demands













Job Development

Goodwill’s Job Development Services match individual skills and abilities with individual employer’s job needs and provide job readiness, and life skills training to help prepare individuals for employment. Retention strategies assist participants in maintaining employment and exploring career development opportunities and provide:
• One-on-one assistance helping identify skills and preferences
• Assistance working around cost efficient accommodations
• Advise and assist with community resources and collaborations



















Job Shadow

This Program provides exposure to a variety of employment opportunities, in a specific setting, to determine skills, needs, and interest of clients. The purpose is to assist the client in gaining knowledge and in obtaining skills needed to perform  jobs of their choice.  GWISCC has a long history of facilitating successful job shadows in a variety of businesses. These positions are in a wide range of fields, including:

• Hospitality
• Janitorial
• Manufacturing
• Clerical
• Retail services

Work Services Program

We offer a wide range of structural employment activities that are based on interest, needs, and abilities. This service provides a short term program for individuals with mental, emotional, or physical issues that are not productive at a competitive level.  It teaches an individual the importance of having:

• A Positive Attitude
• Interpersonal Relationships
• Personal Empowerment
• Career Exploration
• Regular Attendance and Punctuality
• Job performance skills and Work-Related Community and Social Networking Skills


















Work Opportunity

Offers a range of structured employment activities for individuals whose physical, mental and/or emotional condition/disability creates a barrier to employment.  We partner with Community Mental Health Counselors to determine interests, needs and the level of candidate ability to participate.

Situational Assessments

Situational Assessments provides a systematic educational process in which a client obtains greater self and work knowledge through participation in work activities designed to evaluate vocational skills, interests, and abilities. Clients learn the functional impact of their disability in relation to career options. They also learn about assistive technology and the devices and accommodations needed to remove barriers to employment. The evaluation process encourages personal involvement in career planning and development and empowers clients by increasing their self-confidence in career decision making through:
• Vocational guidance
• Informed career selection
• Job accommodations
• Identifying community resources




























school to Work Program:

Students are educated, trained and monitored for continuous improvement in work-related skills.  The program will provide students with developmental disabilities and barriers to employment options for future career paths and an opportunity to work in vocational areas of interest.  Students are exposed to various work areas (i.e. hand assembly, clerical, custodial, retail sales, warehouse [Inter-net store], material and stock handling) to acquire positive and productive worker traits and habits necessary to succeed in today’s work force.  Through exposure the student will gain an insight to employment skills which will improve an understanding of how to best meet an employer’s needs.  Students will also receive grades and classroom credits for time spent in the Program

Summer Youth Employment Program 2016

Watch a video created by our 2016 Summer Youth Employment Program students!!

Watch video created by our 2016 Summer Youth Program Students!!

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